RFLINK Procotol — Part 1

RLINK Protocol
4 min readJan 8, 2021

Every story has a beginning. A first step if you will. A leap into the unknown. This is it…for RFLINK!

RFLINK: An autonomous, automated yield and liquidity generation protocol

The main aim of RFLINK is to automatically and constantly generate yield for the holders of its token as well as automatically and constantly increasing the token’s price floor by adding liquidity that’s locked forever in the smart contract.

This works by applying a tax on trades, however unlike other projects, the transactions are cleaved 😉 into different taxable domains: buys and sells. We believe that a constant tax discourages adoption and therefore have chosen to tax buys less and sells more. However, in both cases, the proceeds are automatically and entirely used to benefit the holders. There is no dev wallet that “takes a cut”.

RFLINK mechanics

There are 3 main mechanics at play in the RFLINK Protocol:

  • a % of the tax goes instantly, gaslessly and proportionally to holders of RFLINK. There is no farming, staking or lockup needed. Simply hold RFLINK and you will get more.
  • a % of the tax is used to automatically buy back tokens every 10 minutes. The bought tokens are then promptly removed from circulation (burned). Over time this creates scarcity of RFLINK and further increases its value.
  • a % of the tax is added automatically to locked liquidity every 10 minute and it’s locked there forever. Over time this increases the price floor of RFLINK.

Taxable domains

RFLINK splits the transactions into different taxable domains: buys and sells. The emphasis is to tax buys less and sells more to further incentivize easy entry into the protocol as well as holding.

Buys are taxed with 2%, which is then split like so:

  • 1% goes instantly, gaslessly and proportionally to holders of RFLINK
  • 0.5% will accrue and be used to buy back and burn tokens every 30 minutes
  • 0.5% will accrue and be added to locked liquidity forever every 30 minutes

Sells are taxed with 4% (be sure to trade with at least 5% slippage!), which is then split like so:

  • 2% goes instantly, gaslessly and proportionally to holders of RFLINK
  • 1% will accrue and be used to buy back and burn tokens every 30 minutes
  • 1% will accrue and be added to locked liquidity forever every 30 minutes

All the taxes may be changed independently of each other in the future by community vote. We will listen to feedback very seriously and act fast should the community demand it. We are even open to instituting tax policies whereby the taxes change dynamically and automatically based on various factors.

Black hole

To further increase scarcity of the token an amount of RFLINK will be sent to a “black hole” address (the 0xDEAD address). By being a RFLINK holder this address will accumulate RFLINK out of transaction fees over time. However, since nobody has access to those funds they will be effectively removed from circulation, causing an increase in scarcity and also in price.


We’re well accustomed by now to the DeFi presale model. Some funds are raised with a cap, people contributing get tokens, then the token is listed on Uniswap and trading begins. We see several issues with this model:

  • creates sell pressure from the get-go: usually presalers are incentivized to sell. Even with the listing price close to or same as the presale price, presalers will immediately be at an advantage with the very first buy.
  • creates reticence for new people to buy in: because they fear a dump by the presalers
  • can be unfair: presales have a cap and it’s usually hard to “get into them” so people feel left out and are disheartened to invest at launch
  • can be expensive: many a presale are a FCFS gas war which causes people who don’t get in to waste gas needlessly

Because of the above we will…

Stealth launch

RFLINK will be deployed to mainnet and listed on Uniswap without notice. Once it’s live and trading is enabled, we’ll make our telegram channel public, people can join and trade.

We feel that a stealth launch gives a fairer token distribution, with no tokens available to sell up-front (as there is no presale), only sellable tokens are the ones bought after listing. This gives an advantage to early buyers while avoiding gas wars, presale dumps and whales.

There’s a good chance you’re reading this after launch. If so, the telegram group link is: <TBD>


Total supply: 1.000.000 RFLINK

Liquidity: ? ETH + 740.000 RFLINK (will be locked FOREVER)

Team tokens: 160.000 RFLINK

Marketing: 90.000 RFLINK

Black hole: 10.000 RFLINK

What’s next?

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, we see RFLINK as the first step of a journey. We’d like to see it evolve and grow into an ecosystem. To do that we want to:

  • launch more tokens around RFLINK, with RFLINK acting as the base
  • to ensure that, any new tokens we launch will be paired EXCLUSIVELY with RFLINK, meaning constant volume to RFLINK and implicitly its holders

Of course, the initial success of RFLINK is paramount to further development. As we’re stealth launching without raising ANY funds, we’re paying everything out of pocket, so we hope that RFLINK will be successful enough to drive and fund further development. We hope you believe in it to help us get there together.

Useful links

Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/token/0xAf2cfa3d6369Cd6675ED5A516daDf99f032F25cd

Dextools: https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x2fe5f1728abd3bc788ff04ead81c918e2c15bded

Liquidity lock: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x76bf10bb2330d318bfd4b800aa476170740f79bb53c7b76e18383b07fa2ae9e5

Uniswap: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xaf2cfa3d6369cd6675ed5a516dadf99f032f25cd

Telegram: https://t.me/rfilink

Website: coming soon

Twitter: soon

